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Amazon Account Updates Changing Your Legal Entity And More

Amazon Account Updates: Changing Your Legal Entity and More

Unlocking the Flexibility of Your Amazon Seller Account

Make the Necessary Changes to Your Amazon Account Information

Attention all Amazon sellers! It's time to dispel the misconception that your Amazon Seller Account is set in stone. From your legal entity address to your bank account information, you have the power to modify virtually every detail whenever you need to.

As a new seller, stay tuned for the latest updates. Sobald die Bestätigung abgeschlossen ist, lautet der Account-Status für neue Verkäufer "Informationen bereitgestellt". Dies bedeutet, dass das Konto normal ist.

Should you wish to change the registered business on your Amazon account, simply gather the following details:

  • Reason for the change
  • New business information

Remember, it's possible to modify your legal name as well. If you're pondering whether you require a business license or LLC to start selling on Amazon, watch our upcoming video for the definitive answer. We'll guide you through the process.
